Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And I'll Have That Minced, Please

Of course, I would run across yet another picky eater. :) Chaos, my new(ish) betta just can't eat like a regular one would. I tried Hikari pellets to begin with. He would chew on them a little, them spit them back out so they would sink to the bottom. At that point, he would never look at them again. It was a waste of time.

Next, I gave him so bloodworms. He tasted one and then spat it back out. He repeated this about five of six times before he finally stopped. Once again, the food all sank to the bottom. Another waste of time.

So this time, I tried something a little different. A friend of mine feeds her bettas flake food with a lot of success. None of her bettas had refused it. Considering the circumstances currently, I was willing to try anything. I ordered some and had it shipped here. Well, I put it in regularly. He seemed to like it, but the big pieces he would spit back out. So guess what? I now have to grind it up every time I feed him. Talk about a REALLY picky eater.

In the future I'll try giving him some live food as well. Maybe he'll take that, too. I want to add SOME variation to his diet.

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